Dricker en utsökt kopp Zoega Presso. Egenmalda bönor. Smakar ljuvligt. Sonen snurrar på golvet till The Stoners "The new pink". Det var väl det hela egentligen.
I pressed "next blog" from the top of mine and up yours popped! Just thought I'd say hi while I'm here. Sorry I cannot write in your intellectual Scandinavian language. English will have to do if you can tolerate it! I love your stylish oldefashioned pictures they remind me of cigarette cards I used to have a collection of from my grandfather's day. Isn't blogging entertaining!! I have three blogs as of last week. Not only my main online journal but two new video blogs. You're welcome to come have a peek around if you feel so inclined, and I'm on my personal GABBLY later tonight... Maybe I'll meet you there?
1 kommentar:
I pressed "next blog" from the top of mine and up yours popped! Just thought I'd say hi while I'm here. Sorry I cannot write in your intellectual Scandinavian language. English will have to do if you can tolerate it! I love your stylish oldefashioned pictures they remind me of cigarette cards I used to have a collection of from my grandfather's day. Isn't blogging entertaining!! I have three blogs as of last week. Not only my main online journal but two new video blogs. You're welcome to come have a peek around if you feel so inclined, and I'm on my personal GABBLY later tonight... Maybe I'll meet you there?
All the best to you
"Gledwood Vol 2
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